Activity ID
IA_AHE_1Activity Weighting
HighSubcategory Name
Achieving Health Equity
Activity Description
Seeing new and follow-up Medicaid patients in a timely manner, including individuals dually eligible for Medicaid and Medicare. A timely manner is defined as within 10 business days for this activity.
Ensure timely treatment of Medicaid patients, thus helping to improve health outcomes for dually eligible patients.
Suggested Documentation
Evidence of eligible clinicians seeing Medicaid patients in a timely manner including patients dually eligible. Include at least one of the following elements:
1) Appointments for Medicaid and dually eligible Medicaid/Medicare patients within 10 days of request – Electronic health record (EHR) or scheduling system (may be manual) data demonstrating time of appointment request and time of actual appointment. Appointments should be new requests (new condition or complaint) that are not part of routine follow-up; OR
2) Identification of disparities and plans for improvement – Assessment of new and follow-up visit appointment statistics and other patient-level data to identify areas of improvement, and especially disparities in timeliness of follow-up across different segments of the patient population; and documentation of plans for improvement activities to address issues and/or disparities.