2025 MIPS IA_AHE_6: Provide Education Opportunities for New Clinicians

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Achieving Health Equity

Activity Description

MIPS eligible clinicians acting as a preceptor for clinicians-in-training (such as medical residents/fellows, medical students, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or clinical nurse specialists) and accepting such clinicians for clinical rotations in community practices in small, underserved, or rural areas.


Provide clinicians-in-training with diverse experiences, allowing them to gain deep understanding of the challenges facing eligible clinicians and patients in small practices or in underserved or rural areas.

Suggested Documentation

Evidence of participation as a preceptor for clinicians-in-training and accepting clinical rotations in community practices in small underserved or rural areas. Include all of the following elements:

1) Proof of preceptor role – Documentation of participation as a preceptor for eligible clinicians-intraining (e.g., contract or communications with an academic-based health care organization). Any eligible clinician can serve as a preceptor; AND

2) Specific clinical rotations – Evidence of clinical rotation assignments in community practices in small, underserved, or rural areas. The 2019 CMS Final Rule defines small, underserved, or rural areas by ZIP codes designated as rural, using the most recent Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Area Health Resource File data set.



To confirm eligibility prior to attestation, CMS recommends that practices consult the HRSA Area Health Resource File: https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/shortage-area/by-address.


  • New eligible clinician training conducted at a practice not deemed to be in an underserved area, or provided at a university or hospital, would not meet the eligibility criteria.
  • Eligible clinicians who are not located in an underserved area and treat patients who come to the practice from underserved areas do not meet the intent of this activity.
  • Teaching at a hospital or university does not meet the intent of this activity.

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