2025 MIPS IA_BE_1: Use of certified EHR to capture patient reported outcomes

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Beneficiary Engagement

Activity Description

To improve patient access, perform activities beyond routine care that enable capture of patient reported outcomes (for example, related to functional status, symptoms and symptom burden, health behaviors, or patient experience) or patient activation measures (that is, measures of patient involvement in their care) through use of certified electronic health record technology, and record these outcomes data for clinician review.


Improve patient engagement through patient/clinician review of patient collected information or through assessment of a patient’s understanding, confidence, and ability to perform selfcare.

Suggested Documentation

Evidence of patient reported data and/or outcomes in the certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT). Include the following element:

1) Patient reported outcomes/self-management – Documentation demonstrating use of one or more measures that assess patients’ involvement in their care or their understanding, confidence, and ability to care for oneself. The eligible clinician should incorporate the results of the assessment into the patient’s overall plan of care, as deemed most appropriate for their population. As necessary or helpful, also include patient’s data in the CEHRT.


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