2025 MIPS IA_BE_4: Engagement of patients through implementation of improvements in patient portal

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Beneficiary Engagement

Activity Description

To receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must provide access to an enhanced patient/caregiver portal that allows users (patients or caregivers and their clinicians) to engage in bidirectional information exchange. The primary use of this portal should be clinical and not administrative. Examples of the use of such a portal include, but are not limited to: brief patient reevaluation by messaging; communication about test results and follow up; communication about medication adherence, side effects, and refills; blood pressure management for a patient with hypertension; blood sugar management for a patient with diabetes; or any relevant acute or chronic disease management.


Increase patient engagement, adherence to treatment plans, and self-management of chronic conditions through the availability of a patient portal within the electronic health record (EHR).

Suggested Documentation

Evidence of a functioning patient portal that includes patient interactive features or up-to-date information on disease or symptom management. Include at least one of the following elements:

1) Enhanced patient portal screenshots – Documentation through screenshots of an enhanced patient portal that displays at least one of the following functions or features: a) bidirectional communication between patient and eligible clinician or care team (e.g., messaging for questions, medication refills, appointment scheduling); or b) availability of health information and education regarding the patient’s conditions; OR

2) Patient portal use reports – Reports of patient portal engagement detailing patient use of interactive functions (e.g., bidirectional communication between patient and eligible clinician or care team about medication changes and adherence).


If an eligible clinician is using Open Notes (https://protect2.fireeye.com/url?k=193efc00- 456bf5d0-193ecd3f-0cc47a6a52de68b30e439d31f40b&u=https://www.opennotes.org/) for bidirectional patient-clinician communication, they may find IA_CC_13, “Practice Improvements for Bilateral Exchange of Patient Information”, an applicable activity to attest to.

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