2025 MIPS IA_BMH_10: Completion of Collaborative Care Management Training Program

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Behavioral and Mental Health

Activity Description

To receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must complete a collaborative care management training program, such as the American Psychiatric Association (APA) Collaborative Care Model training program available to the public, in order to implement a collaborative care management approach that provides comprehensive training in the integration of behavioral health into the primary care practice.


Develop strategies to improve integration of behavioral health into primary care practices, ultimately improving patient-centeredness of care and health outcomes for mental health patients.

Suggested Documentation

Documented completion of a collaborative care management training program such as the American Psychological Association Collaborative Care Model training program. Include at least one of the following elements:

1) Certificate of completion – Eligible clinicians and groups must provide authentic documentation of collaborative care management training program completion (electronic or paper); OR

2) Implementation of approach – Documented implementation of a collaborative care management approach that provides comprehensive training in the integration of behavioral health into the primary care practice (e.g., a workflow diagram, listed staff and clinician roles and responsibilities, documented policies and procedures for approach).

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