Activity ID
IA_CC_18Activity Weighting
MediumSubcategory Name
Care Coordination
Activity Description
In order to receive credit for this activity, MIPS eligible clinicians must participate in a minimum of eight hours of training on relationship-centered care tenets such as making effective open-ended inquiries; eliciting patient stories and perspectives; listening and responding with empathy; using the ART (ask, respond, tell) communication technique to engage patients, and developing a shared care plan. The training may be conducted in formats such as, but not limited to: interactive simulations practicing the skills above, or didactic instructions on how to implement improvement action plans, monitor progress, and promote stability around improved clinician communication.
Improve quality of patient-clinician communication and interaction by attending training on relationship-centered care and communication techniques.
Suggested Documentation
Evidence that the eligible clinician spent a minimum of eight hours of training focused on relationship-centered care. Include both of the following elements:
1) Certificate of completion – Documentation of completing 8 hours of training with patient-centered care training title, eligible clinician's name, and date of completion (e.g., certificate of completion, screenshot of module completion). The training may be conducted in formats such as, but not limited to: interactive simulations practicing the skills listed in the activity description, or didactic instructions on how to a) implement improvement action plans; b) monitor progress; and c) promote stability around improved clinician communication; AND
2) Details on patient-centered care training – Provide details on patient-centered care training components. Training should include such topics as: a) making effective open-ended inquires; b) eliciting patient stories and perspectives; c) listening and responding with empathy; d) using a specific technique such as ART (ask, respond, tell) to engage patients; or e) developing a shared care plan.