2025 MIPS IA_CC_19: Tracking of clinician’s relationship to and responsibility for a patient by reporting MACRA patient relationship codes.

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Care Coordination

Activity Description

To receive credit for this improvement activity, a MIPS eligible clinician must attest that they reported MACRA patient relationship codes (PRC) using the applicable HCPCS modifiers on 50 percent or more of their Medicare claims for a minimum of a continuous 90-day period within the performance period. Reporting the PRC modifiers enables the identification of a clinician’s relationship with, and responsibility for, a patient at the time of furnishing an item or service. See the CY 2018 PFS final rule (82 FR 53232 through 53234) for more details on these codes.


Increase the utilization of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015 (MACRA) patient relationship codes (PRC) using the applicable Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) modifiers on Medicare claims. Using PRC ensure that appropriate attribution is assigned to the appropriate eligible clinician. For example, it would be inappropriate to attribute the cost of an aortic aneurysm repair to the ophthalmologist who performed a cataract surgery in the same calendar year.

Suggested Documentation

Documentation that MIPS eligible clinician(s) reported MACRA PRC using the applicable HCPCS modifiers on 50% or more of their Medicare claims MACRA patient relationship codes articulate the relationship and responsibility of an eligible clinician with a patient at the time of furnishing an item or service, thereby facilitating the attribution of patients and episodes to one or more eligible clinicians for purposes of cost measurement. Include the following element:

1) MACRA PRC HCPCS modifiers on 50% of Medicare claims – Documentation could be captured in the patient chart or electronic health record; note that the eligible clinician reported MACRA PRC using the applicable HCPCS modifiers on 50% or more of their Medicare claims for a continuous 90-day minimum reporting period within the performance year.

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