Activity ID
IA_PM_25Activity Weighting
N/ASubcategory Name
Population Management
Activity Description
Implement standardized, evidence-based cardiovascular disease risk assessment and care management for a defined population in the clinician’s practice.
The clinician or clinician group will apply standardized risk assessment and care management to a broad, clinician-defined patient population in the practice. The population can be defined by 1) patient age and/or atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk factors; or 2) the constraints of the risk assessment tool (for example, the American College of Cardiology (ACC)/American Heart Association (AHA) ASCVD Risk Calculator is validated for patients over age 40).
The results of screening and the plan for treatment and follow up will be documented using a standardized method in the patient’s medical record. Care management plan and follow up intervals will be influenced by the degree of patient risk.
Cardiovascular care management should be defined by risk assessment and lead to the development of individualized care plans with specific goals. Shared decision making should be part of the development of every patient care plan.