Activity ID
IA_PM_23Activity Weighting
HighSubcategory Name
Population Management
Activity Description
Incorporate the Cervical Cancer Screening and Management (CCSM) Clinical Decision Support (CDS) tool within the electronic health record (EHR) system to provide clinicians with ready access to and assisted interpretation of the most up-to-date clinical practice guidelines in CCSM to ensure adequate screening, timely follow-up, and optimal patient care.
The CCSM CDS helps ensure that patient populations receive adequate screening and management, according to evidence-based recommendations in the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) screening and American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (ASCCP) management guidelines for cervical cancer. The CCSM CDS integrates into the clinical workflow a clinician-facing dashboard to support the clinician’s awareness and adoption of and preventive care for cervical cancer, including screening and any necessary follow-up treatment.
Help eligible clinicians align cervical cancer screening and management with up-to-date, evidencebased standards and guidelines as part of routine care.
Suggested Documentation
Documented integration of the CCSM CDS tool into EHR and use of the tool. Include both of the following elements:
1) Integration of the CCSM CDS tool into EHR – Documentation (e.g., screenshot) demonstrating implementation of the CCSM CDS tool into an eligible clinician's or practice's EHR.
2) Use of the CCSM CDS tool to help clinicians evaluate patients' clinical data against existing guidance and make patient-specific recommendations – Documentation (e.g., screenshot) demonstrating ongoing use of the CCSM CDS tool in relevant patient populations in eligible clinicians’ practice.
Journal of Women's Health Article: "Computable Guidelines and Clinical Decision Support for Cervical Cancer Screening and Management to Improve Outcomes and Health Equity" URL: 487/
National Cancer Institute Enduring Consensus Cervical Cancer Screening and Management Guidelines URL:
Risk Estimates Supporting the 2019 ASCCP Risk-Based Management Consensus Guidelines. URL:
Cervical Cancer Screening and Management CDS Repository: URL:
- About the CCSM Computable Guideline effort
- References to the 2019 Guidelines
- The ‘suite’ of related software (CQL, Dashboard, Service)
- Documentation
- Test Cases
- CDS Demo
- Contact us email address:
- CDC/MITRE relationship in developing this software