Improvement Activities are sorted into subcategories which might help you locate activities that are applicable to your practice. Note that when using the MIPS Measures Planning and MIPS Measures Reporting tools within the MDinteractive software, you can filter the list of IA's by sub-category:
1. Achieving Health Equity: Engagement of new Medicaid patients and follow-up.
2. Behavioral and Mental Health: Activities that look at the co-morbidity of mental health and physical health. Some cross-over with Quality measures.
3. Beneficiary Engagement: Engagement of patients through post-visit surveys, tracking reported outcomes, using care plans to manage chronic conditions.
4. Care Coordination: Coordination of care between clinicians. Health information exchange, coordinated planning, etc.
5. Emergency Response & Preparedness: Supporting communities by registering to be part of a disaster relief team or participation in supporting humanitarian needs.
6. Expanded Practice Access: How accessible you are to your beneficiaries?
7. Patient Safety and Practice Assessment Population Management: Patient safety monitoring programs (i.e. prescriptions drug monitoring, appropriate use of antibiotics, etc.
8. Population Management: Population health. Using research, tools, etc.
Note: Many of the medical society sites have posted suggestions for their specialties for the IA category. MDinteractive also provides suggestions in our Suggestions by Specialty section of the website.