2020 MIPS IA_CC_7: Regular training in care coordination

Activity ID


Activity Weighting


Subcategory Name

Care Coordination

Activity Description

Implementation of regular care coordination training.


Inclusion of regular care coordination training in practice within the attestation period

Note: The main goal of care coordination is to meet patients' needs and preferences in the delivery of high-quality, high-value health care.  This means that the patient's needs and preferences are known and communicated, and that this information is used to guide the delivery of safe, appropriate, and effective care.

Suggested Documentation

Documentation of implemented regular care coordination training (within the attestation period) within practice, e.g., availability of care coordination training curriculum/training materials and attendance or training certification registers/documents

NOTE: The main goal of care coordination is to meet patients' needs and preferences in the delivery of high-quality, high-value health care.  This means that the patient's needs and preferences are known and communicated, and that this information is used to guide the delivery of safe, appropriate, and effective care.

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