2020 MIPS Measure #039: Screening for Osteoporosis for Women Aged 65-85 Years of Age

Quality ID 039
NQF 0046
High Priority Measure No
Specifications Registry
Measure Type Process
Specialty Endocrinology Family Medicine Geriatrics Internal Medicine Preventive Medicine Rheumatology

Measure Description

Percentage of female patients aged 65-85 years of age who ever had a central dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) to check for osteoporosis



This measure is to be submitted a minimum of once per performance period for patients seen during the performance period. Female patients aged 65-85 years of age should have a central DXA measurement performed at least once to screen for osteoporosis. This measure may be submitted by Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligible clinicians who perform the quality actions described in the measure based on the services provided and the measure-specific denominator coding.

Measure Submission Type:

Measure data may be submitted by individual MIPS eligible clinicians, groups, or third party intermediaries. The listed denominator criteria are used to identify the intended patient population. The numerator options included in this specification are used to submit the quality actions as allowed by the measure. The quality-data codes listed do not need to be submitted by MIPS eligible clinicians, groups, or third party intermediaries that utilize this modality for submissions; however, these codes may be submitted for those third party intermediaries that utilize Medicare Part B claims data. For more information regarding Application Programming Interface (API), please refer to the Quality Payment Program (QPP) website.



Women age 65-85

Denominator Criteria (Eligible Cases):

Female patients aged 65-85 years on date of encounter


Patient encounter during the performance period (CPT): 99201, 99202, 99203, 99204, 99205, 99212, 99213, 99214, 99215


Diagnosis of osteoporosis on date of encounter (ICD-10-CM): M80.00XA, M80.00XD, M80.00XG, M80.00XK, M80.00XP, M80.00XS, M80.011A, M80.011D, M80.011G, M80.011K, M80.011P, M80.011S, M80.012A, M80.012D, M80.012G, M80.012K, M80.012P, M80.012S, M80.019A, M80.019D, M80.019G, M80.019K, M80.019P, M80.019S, M80.021A, M80.021D, M80.021G, M80.021K, M80.021P, M80.021S, M80.022A, M80.022D, M80.022G, M80.022K, M80.022P, M80.022S, M80.029A, M80.029D, M80.029G, M80.029K, M80.029P, M80.029S, M80.031A, M80.031D, M80.031G, M80.031K, M80.031P, M80.031S, M80.032A, M80.032D, M80.032G, M80.032K, M80.032P, M80.032S, M80.039A, M80.039D, M80.039G, M80.039K, M80.039P, M80.039S, M80.041A, M80.041D, M80.041G, M80.041K, M80.041P, M80.041S, M80.042A, M80.042D, M80.042G, M80.042K, M80.042P, M80.042S, M80.049A, M80.049D, M80.049G, M80.049K, M80.049P, M80.049S, M80.051A, M80.051D, M80.051G, M80.051K, M80.051P, M80.051S, M80.052A, M80.052D, M80.052G, M80.052K, M80.052P, M80.052S, M80.059A, M80.059D, M80.059G, M80.059K, M80.059P, M80.059S, M80.061A, M80.061D, M80.061G, M80.061K, M80.061P, M80.061S, M80.062A, M80.062D, M80.062G, M80.062K, M80.062P, M80.062S, M80.069A, M80.069D, M80.069G, M80.069K, M80.069P, M80.069S, M80.071A, M80.071D, M80.071G, M80.071K, M80.071P, M80.071S, M80.072A, M80.072D, M80.072G, M80.072K, M80.072P, M80.072S, M80.079A, M80.079D, M80.079G, M80.079K, M80.079P, M80.079S, M80.08XA, M80.08XD, M80.08XG, M80.08XK, M80.08XP, M80.08XS, M80.80XA, M80.80XD, M80.80XG, M80.80XK, M80.80XP, M80.80XS, M80.811A, M80.811D, M80.811G, M80.811K, M80.811P, M80.811S, M80.812A, M80.812D, M80.812G, M80.812K, M80.812P, M80.812S, M80.819A, M80.819D, M80.819G, M80.819K, M80.819P, M80.819S, M80.821A, M80.821D, M80.821G, M80.821K, M80.821P, M80.821S, M80.822A, M80.822D, M80.822G, M80.822K, M80.822P, M80.822S, M80.829A, M80.829D, M80.829G, M80.829K, M80.829P, M80.829S, M80.831A, M80.831D, M80.831G, M80.831K, M80.831P, M80.831S, M80.832A, M80.832D, M80.832G, M80.832K, M80.832P, M80.832S, M80.839A, M80.839D, M80.839G, M80.839K, M80.839P, M80.839S, M80.841A, M80.841D, M80.841G, M80.841K, M80.841P, M80.841S, M80.842A, M80.842D, M80.842G, M80.842K, M80.842P, M80.842S, M80.849A, M80.849D, M80.849G, M80.849K, M80.849P, M80.849S, M80.851A, M80.851D, M80.851G, M80.851K, M80.851P, M80.851S, M80.852A, M80.852D, M80.852G, M80.852K, M80.852P, M80.852S, M80.859A, M80.859D, M80.859G, M80.859K, M80.859P, M80.859S, M80.861A, M80.861D, M80.861G, M80.861K, M80.861P, M80.861S, M80.862A, M80.862D, M80.862G, M80.862K, M80.862P, M80.862S, M80.869A, M80.869D, M80.869G, M80.869K, M80.869P, M80.869S, M80.871A, M80.871D, M80.871G, M80.871K, M80.871P, M80.871S, M80.872A, M80.872D, M80.872G, M80.872K, M80.872P, M80.872S, M80.879A, M80.879D, M80.879G, M80.879K, M80.879P, M80.879S, M80.88XA, M80.88XD, M80.88XG, M80.88XK, M80.88XP, M80.88XS, M81.0, M81.6, M81.8



Patient receiving hospice services any time during the measurement period: G9690



The number of women who have documentation in their medical record of having received a DXA test of the hip or spine

Numerator Options:

Performance Met: Patient with documented results of a central Dual- energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) ever being performed (G8399)


Performance Not Met: Patient with central Dual-energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA) results not documented, reason not given (G8400)



This measure assesses the number of women 65-85 who have ever received a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) test to check for osteoporosis. There is convincing evidence that bone mineral density tests predict short-term risk for osteoporotic fractures. There is also evidence osteoporosis treatment reduces the incidence of fracture in women who are identified to be at risk of an osteoporotic fracture. Fractures, especially in the older population, can cause significant health issues, decline in function, and, in some cases lead to mortality.


Clinical Recommendation Statements

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends screening for osteoporosis in women aged 65 years and older and in younger women whose fracture risk is equal to or greater than that of a 65-year old white woman who has no additional risk factors. (B Recommendation) (USPSTF). “Based on the U.S. FRAX tool, a 65- year-old white woman with no other risk factors has a 9.3% 10-year risk for any osteoporotic fracture. White women between the ages of 50 and 64 years with equivalent or greater 10-year fracture risks based on specific risk factors include but are not limited to thefollowing persons: 1) a 50-year-old current smoker with a BMI less than 21 kg/m2, daily alcohol use, and parental fracture history; 2) a 55-year-old woman with a parental fracture history; 3) a 60-yearold woman with a BMI less than 21 kg/m2 and daily alcohol use; and 4) a 60-year-old current smoker with daily alcohol use. The FRAX tool also predicts 10-year fracture risks for black, Asian, and Hispanic women in the United States. In general, estimated fracture risks in nonwhite women are lower than those for white women of the same age.” (USPSTF)

Current diagnostic and treatment criteria for osteoporosis rely on DXA measurements only.

The USPSTF did not define a specific upper age limit for screening in women, however they noted that clinicians should take into account the patient's remaining lifespan when deciding whether to screen patients with significant illness; the benefit of treatment emerged 18 to 24 months after initiation of treatment.

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