2023 MIPS Final Score Preview Now Open

Posted on July 14, 2024

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced the opening of the Final Score Preview period for the 2023 performance year of the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). During this phase of the MIPS performance feedback period, clinicians, groups and Alternative Payment Model (APM) Entity representatives can preview their 2023 final MIPS scores before CMS releases payment adjustment information. The MIPS Final Score Preview period will remain open until the final performance feedback, which includes payment adjustments, is released in August 2024.

Information Available During the Final Score Preview Period

The MIPS Final Score Preview period allows clinicians to view their final scores before the release of payment adjustment details. The MIPS final score is the sum of the performance category scores and any points awarded for the complex patient bonus. The 2023 MIPS final score will determine 2025 MIPS payment adjustments.

During the Final Score Preview performance feedback will display data associated with the highest final score that could be attributed to the clinician, group, or APM Entity, and all the data required to calculate final scores, which includes:

  • Final score 
  • Performance category-level scores and weights
  • Bonus points and improvement scoring
  • Measure-level performance data and scores
  • Activity-level scores
  • Supplemental reports for administrative claims quality and cost measures
  • Comparative quality and cost feedback (MVP reporting only)

As a reminder, scores could change between now and August if CMS identifies any issues during the MIPS Final Score Preview period that require system-wide scoring changes. 

How to Preview Your MIPS Final Score

Clinicians and authorized representatives of practices and APM Entities (including Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organizations [ACOs]), can access the MIPS Final Score Preview by logging into the Quality Payment Program website and clicking "Preview Final Score” on the home page. 

MDinteractive can assist clinicians with accessing their final MIPS score and interpreting the results if they have an MDinteractive account. 

  • If you previously permitted us to access your reports, we have uploaded them to your MDinteractive account. The reports can be accessed by clicking the green “QPP Performance Feedback” icon on your MIPS dashboard and selecting “2023 QPP Feedback” to view your 2023 scores.  
  • If you have not already given us access, please follow the steps below:
    • First, create a QPP Harp Account if you still need to do so.
    • Next, log into your MDinteractive account at www.mdinteractive.com.
    • Complete the steps by clicking the blue "QPP Performance Feedback" icon on your dashboard.


APM Entity representatives who hold the Staff User or Security Official role have the ability to review MIPS final scores for their respective APM Entity. Additionally, QPP Security Officials or QPP Staff User contacts within the Medicare Shared Savings Program Accountable Care Organization (ACO) can access the ACO’s MIPS final score by logging into the QPP website using their ACO Management System (ACO-MS) credentials.

What You Should Do if You Have Questions or Concerns

CMS encourages clinicians to contact the QPP Service Center if they believe there’s an error with information displayed during the MIPS Final Score Preview period. Issues raised during the MIPS Final Score Preview period aren’t part of the normal targeted review process. The targeted review process, which will begin after the final performance feedback and payment adjustment information is released later this summer, will allow clinicians to request a review of their MIPS payment adjustment calculation.

The QPP Service Center is open Monday-Friday from 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. EST at 1-866-288-8292 or by e-mail at QPP@cms.hhs.gov

Any Questions?

Clinicians should check their 2023 MIPS scores during the Final Score Preview period. According to CMS, scores could change between now and August when the final performance feedback and payment adjustment information will be released. Clinicians can contact MDinteractive if they need assistance accessing their final MIPS scores or interpreting the results. 

2023 MIPS Final Score Preview

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