The APM Performance Pathway - Preparing Your ACO for Success

Posted on Thu, 01/21/2021 - 13:58

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will delay the requirement that Medicare Shared Savings Program (MSSP) Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) begin reporting all-payer Quality data through the new APM Performance Pathway (APP). ACOs will have the option to continue submitting data via the CMS Web Interface through the 2024 performance year. ACOs will have to report all three APP Quality measures (CQMs or eCQMs) beginning in 2025. In this article, we highlight the implications for ACOs, including the new APP quality measure set and strategies for successful reporting in future years.  

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ACO Reporting APM Performance Pathway Measure #1 Measure #134 Measure #236

Key Highlights of the 2021 Final MIPS Rule

Posted on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 14:45

On December 1, 2020 the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its 2021 Final Rule for the Quality Payment Program (QPP) with changes to the Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) and Alternative Payment Models (APMs). Here is a look at some key highlights of the QPP changes and how they could impact your practice.

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2021 MIPS Proposed Rule MIPS Category Weights MIPS Reporting MVPs

The Clock is Ticking on Reporting MIPS: How to Choose Quality Measures

Posted on Thu, 11/12/2020 - 18:05

The clock is ticking for clinicians and groups who want to report MIPS. MDinteractive can report all available registry and EHR MIPS Quality measures and is here to help, whether you have been collecting data throughout the year or are just getting started. In this article we explain how to choose your Quality measures, and the benefits of using a registry like MDinteractive. With the end of the 2020 performance year getting closer, there’s still time to choose measures to report and start gathering your data.

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2020 MIPS Reporting MACRA Quality Measures Quality Scores Registry Reporting

MIPS Reporting: Why You Should Consider Reporting As A Group

Posted on Tue, 10/06/2020 - 10:07

If you have two or more clinicians billing with the same Tax Identification Number (TIN) in your practice, you should consider reporting MIPS as a group to gain some administrative relief and possibly increase your chances for success. According to CMS data, the majority of practices are choosing to report as a group. There are many reasons why group reporting is the preferred option for clinicians. Let’s take a look at what group reporting means, and why it may benefit your practice.

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Group reporting MIPS Financial Rewards MIPS Reporting MIPS Threshold

How Telemedicine is Relevant to Your MIPS Reporting

Posted on Thu, 06/11/2020 - 14:30

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought many changes to our daily lives, including a surge in the use of telemedicine. During the past few months, more clinicians and their patients have been turning to telehealth appointments so patients can safely receive the care they need. In response, CMS announced many changes to support telehealth, including payments for Medicare telehealth services furnished to patients in broadened circumstances and an expanded list of clinicians who can provide these services. Clinicians offering telehealth services to their patients may want to consider how this is relevant to their MIPS reporting. In this article, we have identified a list of Quality measures and Improvement Activities that can be reported for telemedicine services.

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2020 MIPS Reporting Telehealth Telemedicine

Quality Payment Program Exception Applications Now Available

Posted on Mon, 06/01/2020 - 02:26

MIPS eligible clinicians, groups and virtual groups can now apply for the 2020 Promoting Interoperability (PI) Hardship Exception or the MIPS Program Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances Exception. Applications must be submitted to CMS by December 31, 2020. Exceptions will be available to those who meet certain criteria established by CMS. Those who qualify for automatic reweighting of PI reporting do not need to apply for this exception.

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Apply for Hardship Exception Application Extreme and Uncontrollable Circumstances MACRA MIPS Promoting Interoperability

Are Your Quality Measures Still Available to Report in 2020?

Posted on Mon, 05/18/2020 - 15:35

During these unprecedented times, you can rely on MDinteractive to stay on top of any MIPS reporting changes and continue to communicate important updates. As you begin to think about your MIPS reporting for 2020, some measures you reported in the past may no longer be available to report this year or may have had significant revisions. In this article we have outlined some key points to consider as you select measures to report, including a list of removed measures, so you can make your reporting plans with confidence.

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MIPS 2020 New Quality Measures MIPS 2020 Quality Measures MIPS 2020 Removed Measures MIPS Quality Reporting Topped Out Measures

MIPS 2020 Reporting Guide - Tips on How to Get Started

Posted on Thu, 04/09/2020 - 15:02

As we put the 2019 MIPS reporting year behind us, it is helpful to start planning for 2020 since some of the requirements have changed. The number of MIPS points needed to avoid any penalties has increased to 45 MIPS points (up from 30 points in 2019) and you must reach 85 MIPS points for an exceptional performance bonus (up from 75 points). Payment adjustments are also higher at +/-9% (up from +/-7%), so the financial risk of not reporting is much greater. Before you get started with your reporting, go through this 2020 MIPS Reporting Guide to understand your reporting obligations and prepare a strategy to help your practice meet its reporting goals.

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2020 MIPS Reporting 2020 MIPS Reporting Guide MIPS How to Avoid the Penalty

Qualified Registries Take the Stress Out of MIPS Reporting

Posted on Thu, 01/02/2020 - 19:00

‘Tis the season for MIPS! We know this can be a stressful time of year, but using a CMS approved Qualified Registry such as MDinteractive can simplify your MIPS reporting and help you cross it off your to-do list. Not only can registries help you stay on top of the changing rules each year, but they can also provide useful tools to simplify the reporting process so you reach your MIPS goals. In this article we have listed some of the top reasons to consider using a registry like MDinteractive and the ways in which we can make your MIPS reporting less stressful.

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2019 MIPS Reporting MACRA MIPS Qualified Registries

MIPS 2020 Final Rule Now Available - What Does it Mean for You?

Posted on Mon, 11/04/2019 - 14:09

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has released its Final Rule for the Quality Payment Program (QPP), with several changes to MIPS in 2020 and future reporting years. The Final Rule continues to gradually increase the reporting requirements under the MIPS program. In this article we will highlight the most important changes you need to know for the 2020 performance year and how they could impact your bottom line. We will also cover how CMS plans to transform the program in 2021 to reduce your reporting burden.

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2020 MIPS Final Rule MACRA MIPS Reporting MIPS Value Pathway


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